什麼是 Cover Letter

Cover Letter 就是中文常說的求職信、自薦信。一般會在投遞履歷的 Email 裡面附上 Cover Letter,目的是向人資或公司展現你的優勢以及和職缺的契合度。雖然現在很多大公司是透過系統收履歷,不一定會需要提供 Cover Letter,但如果有要求填寫這個欄位,還是建議遵循固定的架構,避免因為小失誤而讓履歷第一關就被刷掉。

大家要記得,Cover Letter 是典型不需要發揮創意的地方。這篇文章會直接提供大家 Cover Letter 範例模板,只要依照模板的結構,平鋪直述的呈現你的亮點和職缺契合度就可以了。比起花時間在 Cover Letter 上設計巧思或美化,我更建議把時間留給修改履歷準備面試故事,這樣 CP 值更高。 

Cover Letter 架構

在寫 Cover Letter 時,我們常用三段式架構,回答公司最在意的三個關鍵問題:

  1. 為什麼選擇這家公司
  2. 為什麼選擇這個職位
  3. 為什麼你是最佳人選

1. 為什麼選擇這家公司

解釋為什麼你特別對這家公司感興趣、為什麼申請這家公司而不是其他公司、為什麼你想為這家公司工作。是因為公司達成很重大的目標嗎?還是掌握某個領先的技術?也可能是公司的願景打動了你,或是創辦人或管理階層是你的 role model。這個部分要讓人資知道你已經做足功課,明確知道這間公司和其他公司的不同。

2. 為什麼選擇這個職位

解釋你為什麼對這個職位或部門感興趣、為什麼這個位置和你的職涯發展吻合。公司會希望看到面試者對職位的角色和職責有深刻的理解。因此,你需要提到與職位相關的具體細節來展現這一點。例如,你曾在新聞或媒體上得知這個部門的某些正面訊息。如果能提到你曾經和內部員工約過 coffee chat,或曾在某個社交場合聊過天,也會是很加分的亮點 ( 前提是你真的實際和對方交流過,不要說謊 )。

3. 為什麼你是最佳人選


Cover Letter 模板

大家可以基於這個 Cover Letter 模板,微調成自己的版本。然後記得,一定要根據每個應徵職缺,客製化 Cover Letter 的內容。

Cover Letter 精選例句


  1. The collaborative culture at [company name] stands out in the industry, and I am excited about the prospect of working in an environment that fosters teamwork and open communication.
  2. I am drawn to [company name] because of its reputation for fostering a culture that encourages analytical thinking and problem-solving.
  3. The opportunity to work at [company name] excites me because of its track record of delivering innovative solutions in the industry.
  4. I am attracted to [company name]’s focus on delivering tangible results for its clients, and I am eager to play a role in driving value through [relevant skills].
  5. The opportunity to join [company name] allows me to work on high-impact projects with real-world implications, which is both challenging and fulfilling.


  1. The innovative projects undertaken by the [job title] at [company name] present an exciting opportunity for me to contribute fresh ideas and drive meaningful change.
  2. I am eager to join the company as a [job title], where I can apply my [specific professional skill] to provide actionable insights and recommendations.
  3. I am impressed by the collaborative approach of the [division name] at [company name] to problem-solving, and I am eager to work with a team that values creativity and innovation.
  4. I understand that the [division name] at [company name] focuses heavily on [key outcome or goal], and the position of [job title] requires a blend of [key skills] and deep [industry or functional knowledge].
  5. In the [division name] at [company name], the role of [job title] involves [key responsibilities], aligning perfectly with my professional expertise and interests.


  1. In my previous roles, I’ve consistently increased profits by [percentage]% MoM through [relevant skills].
  2. Through my [number of years] of experience in [previous industry/field], I’ve gained valuable transferable skills such as [relevant skills] that I believe will be an asset to your team. 
  3. Confident in my ability to [relevant skills], I am eager to contribute to your team’s success as a [position], leveraging my experience in [specific software/tool], where I [achieved a X% improvement in efficiency].
  4. Equipped with strong [relevant skills], I spearheaded a marketing campaign that resulted in a X% increase in market share, effectively boosting the company’s visibility and competitive edge.
  5. Confident in my ability to adapt, I am eager to tackle new challenges and opportunities in a [job title] role at your company, drawing from my experience in [relevant role/project] where I adjusted [specific approach].

10 個 Cover Letter 撰寫技巧

  1. 仔細研究公司和職缺需求:針對不同職位量身訂製內容。
  2. 替公司和招募單位著想:思考你能提供他們什麼價值,說服對方你已準備好勝任這份工作。
  3. 透過 coffee chat 了解內部狀況:最理想的情況,是你已經在投履歷前就知道對方專注解決的問題。
  4. 內容簡潔具體:避免華麗的用詞,總長不超過一頁 A4。
  5. 避免重複使用第一人稱代詞 “I”。
  6. 使用恰當的動詞描述經驗:明確的動詞可以強化你的主動性,也讓句子更俐落。
  7. 保持格式一致:Cover Letter 應該和履歷使用相同的字體和字級,聯絡資訊、行距等細節也要統一。
  8. 調整 AI 工具生成的內容:如果使用 AI 工具生成內容,記得調整成你習慣的書寫語氣,讀起來要有「人味」。
  9. 務必仔細檢查錯字和文法。
  10. 檢查 PDF 格式:如果轉換成 PDF 檔,記得檢查格式是否正確。

訂閱我的 HCC 電子報,為傑出的你解鎖職涯新高度!

每週一封信,分享商業思維、 產業趨勢和職涯思考。


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